Our Process

Our Process

The refurbishment process that our technicians carry out here at Wheel Em In can generally be summarised into the following steps from removing the wheels through to refitting, however this may differ slightly depending on the service you require.

We are proud to announce that from 1st January 2018 we have installed a new pre-treatment system for preparing our wheels to the CAS standard which is recognised by the leading vehicle manufacturers. We are the only after market alloy re-manufacturer to our knowledge who offer this unique system. We wash the wheels with the titanium phosphate which promotes adhesion on the raw casting once it has been stripped. The benefit to our customers is this gives it a greater salt spray and corrosion resistance when on the vehicle especially on the diamond cut alloys.

Heres the steps of a standard refurbishment:

1*.Wheels Removed                                   
2.Tyres Removed
3.Valves Removed
4.Old balancing weights removed.
5. The wheel is washed in a heated wheel wash system
6. Chemically  stripped to remove previous coatings
7. Rewashed to neutralise chemical process
8. Media blasted to  provide a keyed surface for coating
9. Chemical etch  with titanium Phosphate
10. Pre heated to out gas any remaining  moisture
11. Apply powder  prime  coat and bake to cure
12. Apply powder  colour coat and rebake to cure (Diamond cutting if required at this point)
13.Apply Powder clear coat and  rebake to cure

The wheels are then allowed to cool until they are manageable, new valves are fitted and tyres (if applicable) and then rebalanced and fitted back onto the vehicle (again if applicable)

*At the beginning of the wheel removal all wheels are checked for flat spots, cracks and trueness (buckle) if any defect is found at this stage our technicians will contact the customer and inform them on the defect to decide appropriate course of action. If we fail to make contact the customer and the problem could be a safety issue (such as a crack or a buckle) we would take a photo of the damage and repair if possible (at additional cost).

In rare cases where our technicians deem the wheel beyond repair we would not continue with the refurbishment as a matter of safety first.

Providing no issues at this point the process can continue.
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